Privacy Policy for "What Episode Should I Watch?"

1. Introduction:
Welcome to "What Episode Should I Watch?". We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. This Privacy Policy explains our practices concerning the data we collect from users of our app.

2. Information We Collect:
The only data we collect are anonymized search results. This means we do not tie any particular search to a specific user or any identifiable piece of information about that user.

3. How We Use Your Data:
The anonymized search results are used solely to improve the functionality of our app, understand user preferences, and enhance user experience. No personal data is ever tied to these searches, ensuring complete privacy for our users.

4. Data Sharing and Disclosure:
Given that we only collect anonymized data, there is no personal data to share or disclose to third parties. We don't sell, trade, or rent user data to others.

5. Data Retention:
Anonymized search data is retained for a period deemed necessary for the purposes outlined in Section 3. After this period, the data is permanently deleted.

6. Security:
We are committed to ensuring that the data we collect remains secure. We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

7. Changes to This Policy:
From time to time, we may update our Privacy Policy. We will notify users of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page or through other means as deemed appropriate.

8. Contact Us:
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact me at whatepisodeshouldiwatch[at]